PVC Patio Door or French Doors – Which to Choose?


It is vital that homeowners understand the difference between a PVC patio door and a French door before they make a decision on which option is best for their property. Expert advice is priceless, and in many cases can be the only helping hand to assist with making a decision.

French doors are becoming more popular, with many housebuilders opting for this traditional style rather than the sliding counterpart on offer. French doors are a suitable option when space is limited, both inside and outside the property but if you’re lucky enough to have a large opening to fill, a PVC patio door would be the perfect partner for your refurbishment.


Homeowners can utilize space to the maximum on both the inside and outside of their property by installing a patio door, sliding smoothly within the frame restrictions and not protruding internally or externally. Plant pots and garden furniture can remain in situ while homeowners continue to enjoy the full use of their patio doors. They also have the ease of opening their home to the outdoors without rearranging their dining room to accommodate the opening of doors. Sliding doors allow homeowners to plan the design of their room and garden to their preferences rather than space limitations.

A simple slide action is all it takes to allow some fresh air in or to alleviate the pressure of summer sun. The doors can be opened to the maximum threshold or can simply be left ajar and will hold in place, unlike a French door that runs the risk of swinging into obstructions or slamming shut in a light breeze – running the risk of damaging the frame but, more concerningly, risking breaking the glass.

Typically, a French door will have narrower panes of glass within each door panel, limiting how much natural light is able to enter a room. Patio doors, however, have large, open panes of glass which allow light to flood into the rooms.


As the weather can’t be predicted, it’s important for a homeowner not to get blindsided by looking forward to sunshine, but also to think about how their doors will perform during poor spells of weather such as rain and snow. With a patio door, the precipitation clinging to the outside of the door will always remain outside the property, making use of the doors even post blizzard a clean and tidy act. In the event of heavy snow flurries, leaving resting snow leaned up against the door, a sliding door will continue to allow access, unlike an infolding French door which could cause devastation for the homeowner. An out-folding patio door would need a lot of power and force behind it to push through the barrier of high lying snow, which could be problematic for older or weaker homeowners.

The hardware, mechanics and manufacturing methods on a patio door often cost less than a French styled alternative when looking at like for like options (to fill the same sized opening), making a patio door the more cost-effective method for homeowners.


Still unsure of which style to choose? Contact our team for more information on 0808 178 3370 or if you like, order a brochure direct HERE

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